Speech Technology Magazine Cover

March/April 2004

Magazine Features

Building Speech Applications: Part One - The Application and its Development Infrastructure

The design and deployment of a high quality speech application presents a unique challenge, requiring not only traditional systems analysis and software development skills but also the specialized skills of the speech scientist, human factors expert and business process analyst. In this issue we will describe what a speech application is, what a designer’s primary considerations include, and what the infrastructure is in which a speech application is constructed. Part 2 will focus on details of the application development process from requirement gathering through design, implementation using service creation tools and deployment using alternative infrastructures.

In the Studio: Setting High Standards for Prerecorded Audio

Both touch-tone and speech recognition-based telephone solutions typically depend on prerecorded audio for prompt delivery, especially in customer facing call center applications. And with the growing demand for these applications, more and more consultants and professional services organizations are trying their hand at prerecorded audio production. However, many have found the prompt recording process to be deceptively complex. After all, voice acting, directing and post-production are specialized skills that require specific technical and design expertise as well as artistic talent.

Migrating From Touch-tone to Speech: Making a business case for migration development

The development of speech technologies is creating increased opportunities to leverage speech resources across multiple business solutions. A well-defined service approach to speech design in combination with a comprehensive speech technology strategy is essential to success when migrating from touch-tone to speech recognition. Historically, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) applications have been implemented as stand-alone solutions. A comprehensive approach anticipates future integration opportunities and fosters incremental growth.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All


Editor's Letter

Why Speech Now?

Speech technology has seen its fair share of fits and starts over the last few decades. Skeptics are still asking, "If speech works and is a mainstream technology, why is speech deployed today in less than 10 percent of call centers in North America?"

Forward Thinking

Pluses and Minuses

VoiceXML 2.0: A Real Standard for a Real World

New technology will change the way people interact with computers. PCs enabled users to use a keyboard and screen rather than review printed reports. The Xerox Star and Apple Macintosh introduced Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) which made the mouse and other pointing devices popular. Now, we are on the verge of a revolution in technology that makes computing portable. Separating user interface devices from the computing device will dramatically change how people interact with computers.

Human Factor

Frequency of Use and Design

Industry View

Speech: It's Not Different, Stupid

With Bill Gates as a headliner at a speech show, the question naturally arises as to whether speech technology will become more widely available, riding Microsoft's low-price/high-volume software model.

Voice Value

It's All About the Caller

In this electronic era with wireless PDAs, email and the Internet, where on the urgency scale is your telephone as a must-have? According to the Gartner Group, 92 percent of business transactions are completed over the phone, so it's pretty high up there.

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