Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Solutions power machines to copy intelligent human behavior and are in everything--from your smartphone to (maybe) that voice on the other end of the phone. See below for the latest AI news, trends, and solutions.


Succeeding in the Battle Against Deepfakes

New AI tech is helping detect voice and video fraud attempts.

AI Is Rapidly Automating Audio Content Generation

New solutions lower costs and improve voice quality.

Voice Is Poised to Take a Quantum Leap

Exploring quantum computing's expected impact on the speech technology market.

Eliminate Ambient Noise to Make Speech Recognition More Accurate

Technology is improving speech's ability to hear what is necessary.

Industry Voices

Conversational AI Is Transforming Customer Experience, So Adapt It Now

Conversational AI is poised to dominate industries into 2025, revolutionizing customer experience with its potential to enhance efficiency, personalization, and cost savings. (Featured on SmartCustomerService.com.)

ASR vs. LLMs – Why Voice is Among the Biggest Challenges for AI 

The buzz around genAI often focuses on large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, but automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems present an entirely different level of complexity. 

The Evolution and Importance of Voice Surveillance 

With voice data, companies must strike a delicate balance between maintaining privacy and ensuring security. 

Generative AI Will Redefine Crucial Work Skills, but It Can’t Replace Human Expertise

GenAI signals new possibilities, and it's inevitable that certain tasks will be automated. But humans won't be replaced; instead, their roles will be elevated.


Customer Experience AI: Will Perception Drive or Deter Adoption?

We've not yet seen the tipping point for customers when it comes to AI in the contact center.

Conversational AI Is Ushering in Huge Contact Center Advances

These solutions are getting better just as self-service becomes a top priority.

Standards for Openness in AI Models: The Model Openness Framework

Here's how to ensure these tools can be used in mission-critical applications

AI Can Elevate In-Store Music

So-called elevator music can be jazzed up by genAI, but there are gray areas.

Artificial Intelligence Companies and Suppliers