Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Solutions power machines to copy intelligent human behavior and are in everything--from your smartphone to (maybe) that voice on the other end of the phone. See below for the latest AI news, trends, and solutions.


Sentiment Analysis Moves into Voice Interactions

Advances in AI make sentiment analysis a viable tool for conversational insights.

AI Teaches Avatars How to Talk

Lip sync solutions increase immersion and drive user engagement.

Succeeding in the Battle Against Deepfakes

New AI tech is helping detect voice and video fraud attempts.

AI Is Rapidly Automating Audio Content Generation

New solutions lower costs and improve voice quality.

Industry Voices

Conversational AI Is Transforming Customer Experience, So Adapt It Now

Conversational AI is poised to dominate industries into 2025, revolutionizing customer experience with its potential to enhance efficiency, personalization, and cost savings. (Featured on SmartCustomerService.com.)

ASR vs. LLMs – Why Voice is Among the Biggest Challenges for AI 

The buzz around genAI often focuses on large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, but automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems present an entirely different level of complexity. 

The Evolution and Importance of Voice Surveillance 

With voice data, companies must strike a delicate balance between maintaining privacy and ensuring security. 

Generative AI Will Redefine Crucial Work Skills, but It Can’t Replace Human Expertise

GenAI signals new possibilities, and it's inevitable that certain tasks will be automated. But humans won't be replaced; instead, their roles will be elevated.


Let’s Continue to Prioritize Innovation

The next waves of innovation in the speech technology space promise to be more transformative than ever before.

The Prompt Box: From Humble Beginnings to AI Portal

The evolution of the prompt box, from plain text input to sophisticated natural language understanding, has transformed user interaction.

Putting Teams of GenAI Agents to Work

Multi-agent collaboration is the best approach to problem solving.

Connecting With Computers: The Next Breakthrough?

Forget AGI; there's a more realistic benefit to huge AI investments.

Artificial Intelligence Companies and Suppliers