Speaker Identification and Authentication

Speaker Identification and Authentication solutions rely on a person's unique voice patterns for identification for security authentication. This technology is changing the way data is protected. See below for the latest news, trends, and solutions on speaker identification and authentications.


Succeeding in the Battle Against Deepfakes

New AI tech is helping detect voice and video fraud attempts.

Voice Is Poised to Take a Quantum Leap

Exploring quantum computing's expected impact on the speech technology market.

Eliminate Ambient Noise to Make Speech Recognition More Accurate

Technology is improving speech's ability to hear what is necessary.

The Top Speech Technologies and Vendors: The 2024 Speech Industry Awards

Artificial intelligence is now integral to speech technology, a fact reflected by our winning vendors.

Industry Voices

Preventing Deepfake Phishing from Leaving Customers on the Hook

Customer service personnel need to be trained to detect and react to deepfake phishing attempts. (Featured on SmartCustomerService.com.)

Debunking the Most Common Myths in Voice Technology

Demand for voice-enabled devices has skyrocketed during the pandemic, and in the rush to capitalize on it, businesses can easily fall prey to common misconceptions about voice-enabled products. This piece debunks these myths one by one. 

Video: How Biometrics Can Detect Deepfakes

Pindrop Director of Product Marketing Ben Cunningham discusses how liveness detection, synthetic speech detection, and other deep voice biometric technologies can fight the threat deepfakes pose in this clip from a panel at SpeechTEK 2019.

Video: What Is the Minimum Amount of Speech for Authentication?

Pindrop Director of Product Marketing Ben Cunningham discusses best practices for voice authentication in IVR design in this clip from his panel at SpeechTEK 2019.


Let’s Continue to Prioritize Innovation

The next waves of innovation in the speech technology space promise to be more transformative than ever before.

Laying out a Vision for Agentic Speech Tech

The role of speech technologies in a world of AI agents.

Speech’s Next Big Thing Is Moving Fast

Quantum computing is making a resurgence, and speech tools could be beneficiaries.

Shopping Made Easy: Features of a Modern Conversational Assistant

An imaginary interaction shows the possibilities. Plus, speech technologies deserve their own Nobels.

Speaker Identification and Authentication Companies and Suppliers