Verint Speech Analytics Saves Money for Premier Bankcard
05 Feb 2025
Time and cost savings add up.
Amelia AI Agents Drive 20 Percent Productivity Increase
05 Feb 2025
SoundHound's technology reduces call volume and supports 100,000 calls for Apivia Courtage.
Southwest Recovery Services Achieves 10X ROI with's Inbound Voice AI Solution
16 Jan 2024
Southwest Recovery automated inbound consumer calls with's voice AI solution.
Market Spotlight: Hotels Offer a Room for Voice Assistants
10 Nov 2021
As travel slowly starts to return following COVID-19 lockdowns, hotels today need to place a strong emphasis on safety and comfort. For many, speech-enabled in-room virtual assistants are the answer.
Market Spotlight: Retail Eyes a Sharp Increase in Voice-Assisted Shopping
24 Sep 2021
While voice technology has been around for a while, its use as a consumer shopping aide really only emerged just a few short years ago, starting when Amazon unleashed its first Echo device on the world.
Voice Provides a More Immersive Gaming Experience
19 May 2021
As natural language has crept into the gaming world, gamers today can use voice as a controller, interact with characters during game play, communicate with other players in multiplayer and role-playing games, and so much more.
Market Spotlight: Nonprofits Use Speech to Their Benefit
11 Feb 2021
With limited budgets and resources, many nonprofits find it difficult to adopt new technologies as quickly as for-profit entities. But that disadvantage is lessening, thanks to more affordable and accessible speech products.
Market Spotlight on Financial Services: Customers Talk Up Voice Banking’s Benefits
11 Nov 2020
Voice-activated banking was first made available to consumers in 2014 when ING introduced a voice interface named Inge for its mobile banking app. Since then, consumers have been forcing a technology revolution that financial institutions have not been able to hold back—or only do so at their own peril.
Market Spotlight: Voice Dominates the Future of Consumer Electronics
01 May 2020
As time goes on, many experts predict that consumer electronics will no longer even need screens, instead allowing consumers to use nothing more than their voices to activate and control them
Innovative Vision: Putting Client’s ROI First at a Call Center
30 Dec 2019
Executives at Innovative Vision sought to extend the company's portfolio of call center services by offering a range of marketable data that clients could analyze and put to use as needed. For that to happen, however, Innovative Vision would first need to record and analyze all customer interactions. Summatti's AI platform was there to answer the call.
Market Spotlight on Retail: Voice Is Revitalizing the Shopping Experience
02 Dec 2019
From online shoppers to warehouse employees, from retail associates to marketers, nearly every facet of the retail industry is being transformed by the voice revolution. In fact, it may just be the use of voice and other technologies that are keeping retail environments relevant.
Market Spotlight on Automotive: IVAs Are Popular in New Cars, but Concerns, Limits Remain
09 Sep 2019
While supercars like Kit from Knight Rider are still the stuff of TV fantasy, today's automobiles are becoming smarter and smarter, and speech technologies are at the heart of this transformation.
Market Spotlight: Security
08 Jul 2019
Voice biometrics is vital, and it's only the beginning. AI and speech technologies are helping drive new levels of security and pioneering new ways to keep the public safe. Buying Broadway Tickets Out Loud
01 Apr 2019 had the Broadway marketing and sales experience to know that theatergoers would find a digital ticketing agent appealing, but it needed a partner to develop its AI-based answer engine
Market Spotlight: Marketing
25 Mar 2019
IVAs and Chatbots Are Changing How Marketers Reach Customers
Toys that Talk to Kids
17 Dec 2018
Toymakers are increasingly incorporating speech technology into their dinosaurs, robots, unicorns, and the like.
Higher Education Growth: Improving Quality Assurance with Call Recordings
12 Dec 2018
HEG agents often have phone conversations with students. These calls play an important role in enrollments, but agents must adhere to strict Telephone Compliance Protection Act (TCPA) compliance guidelines and processes for efficiency. There are many opportunities for errors and compliance missteps throughout the EDU lead lifecycle — particularly during phone calls. The company needed a more efficient way of dealing with this challenge.
Market Spotlight: Toys/Robotics
19 Nov 2018
Robot creators are limited only by their imaginations
NWEA: Speech Recognition Technology Evaluates Out-Loud Reading for Students
22 Oct 2018
The NWEA sought a way to streamline oral evaluations to save school districts time and money while still ensuring students are on track.
Market Spotlight: Education
15 Oct 2018
Speech technologies are transforming classrooms.