
From the call center to the doctor's office, speech analytics extract useful information about the content or the speakers. See below for the latest speech analytics news, trends, and solutions.


Speech Analytics Expands Beyond Voice

AI innovations mean interaction analytics can provide more actionable insights.

2024 Vertical Market Case Studies: A Speech Technology Special Report

A look at how speech technology solved real-world problems in seven industry sectors.

2024 Vertical Market Case Studies: Speech Technology in Legal Services

Voice documentation powers Lynch & Lynch's growth.

2024 Vertical Market Case Studies: Speech Technology in Financial Services

Verint Speech Analytics saves money for Premier Bankcard.

Industry Voices

How to Balance Conversational AI and Privacy

Here's what needs to be in place to ensure quality data gathering but also employee protection when it comes to speech analytics.

Uncover Hidden Gems in Your CX Data with AI by NICE

The Need for Continuous Speech Recognition Testing

Conversational AI and voice have to be tested to ensure that they work flawlessly.

Customer Service Must Adapt to Expanded Touchpoints for Voice of the Customer Insight

Companies need to supplement traditional surveys with speech and text analytics. (Featured on SmartCustomerService.com.)


Mobile Apps Need Better Speech Interfaces

Now is the time to consider how your company could implement or upgrade its voice assistant mobile app interfaces.

Generative AI’s 6 Paradoxes for Customer Service

The tensions and undercurrents in the wake of genAI should be better understood.

New Trends in Speech Technology: A Report from the Cutting Edge

Here's the research on which dramatic new capabilities are based.

Speech Technology Is Primed for a Big Leap Forward

Personal assistants? Try personalized assistants.