Biographical Information
Andrew Hunt
Vice President, Engineering - Holly Connects
61 2 8207 8207
Andrew leads Holly's R&D team with responsibility for Holly's product portfolio. Andrew has 15 years experience in the development and deployment of speech solutions. Previously at ScanSoft, Andrew was the Director of Speech Recognition Products at the Boston HQ . Previously at Sun Microsystems, Andrew led the SunLabs Speech Research Team. More recently, he was a consultant to Telstra on its speech application roadmap and speech solution delivery capability. Andrew has an international profile in the speech industry. Over the last decade Andrew has played a leading role in the development and adoption of speech standards with editorship of standards including VoiceXML, SALT and those for speech recognition and text-to-speech. Andrew holds a PhD for speech recognition research and a number of speech patents.
Articles by Andrew Hunt
Cross Platform, Cross Vendor Access to Speech
01 Apr 1998
Speech technology is becoming widely available for use in real applications in personal and enterprise computing. The Java™ Speech API, developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. and industry partners, defines a softwareinterface for speech recognizers and speech synthesizers on the Java platform. The JavaSpeech API enables developers of speech-enabled applications to incorporate moresophisticated and natural user interfaces into Java applications and deploy them on a widerange of computing platforms.