Biographical Information
Bill Scholz
President - NewSpeech LLC
Articles by Bill Scholz
Hands-On: An Interactive Display
05 Jan 2011
Lab sessions gave companies the opportunity to showcase their latest products.
A Look at AVIOS' Speech and Multimodality Contest
01 Jun 2008
Students introduce voice to apps covering everything from airplanes to arithmetic
Vendor Directory of Assistive Technology
26 Apr 2005
A-C ALVA Access Group436 14th Street, Suite 700Oakland, CA 94612Tel: ATIA Assistive Technology Industry Association401 N. Michigan AvenueChicago, IL 60611-4267 Tel: 877-OUR-ATIA (687-2842)Tel: 312-321-5172Fax: Avaya, Inc.211 Mt. Airy RoadBasking Ridge, NJ 07920Tel: AVSI--Automated Voice Systems, Inc.17059 El Cajon AvenueYorba Linda, CA. 92686Tel: 714-524-4488Fax: Closing the GapComputer Technology in Special Education and Rehabilitation
Easing Speech Application Development With Tools
24 May 2004
Novice speech application developers are often discouraged by the complexity of the development task. Their apprehension is reinforced by horror stories concerning the difficulties of grammar construction, mediocre dialog designs, the complexity of integrating business process with the voice user interface and the need for extensive tuning before an application performs well. Recently, however, the availability of speech application development tools has significantly reduced both the complexity of the development process and the time required to complete a development task.
Building Speech Applications: Part One - The Application and its Development Infrastructure
08 Mar 2004
The design and deployment of a high quality speech application presents a unique challenge, requiring not only traditional systems analysis and software development skills but also the specialized skills of the speech scientist, human factors expert and business process analyst. In this issue we will describe what a speech application is, what a designers primary considerations include, and what the infrastructure is in which a speech application is constructed. Part 2 will focus on details of the application development process from requirement gathering through design, implementation using service creation tools and deployment using alternative infrastructures.
How Speech Can be Used for Multi Language IVR Applications
30 Aug 1998
International businesses are moving forward with telephony based spoken languageapplications. Of course, they also want one application to serve the language demographicsof all their customers. That is easy to do with touch tone systemsthe tone of a<@SM>caller pressing a one in the United States sounds pretty much the same as in Italy,<@SM>France, and Mexico.