Biographical Information

Steve Chambers

Steve Chambers leads the company's global efforts for Nuance Speech Solutions. Recognized as one of the top executives in the speech industry, Steve has successfully applied his marketing and strategic leadership to a vision for mainstream speech applications and helped position the company as the premier provider of speech technologies, applications and solutions. He joined in August 2003 as part of the SpeechWorks acquisition, where he had served as senior vice president, worldwide sales and chief marketing officer, after joining the company in 1999. Previously, he held chief marketing officer roles at Arbortext, Inc., VDOnet and PictureTel Corporation. Prior to PictureTel, he was a consultant for a division of McKinsey Corporation. Chambers holds a BA from Wesleyan University, and an MBA and Masters in Communications and Science degree from Boston University.

Articles by Steve Chambers

Do You Have a Speech Strategy?

A Speech Strategy is a company-wide “blueprint” for achieving significant business results from the deployment of speech technologies throughout an organization. The successful Speech Strategy identifies how technologies like speech recognition, text-to-speech (TTS) and speaker verification will:

  • Increase customer-caller satisfaction
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  • Drive significant return on investment, and
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  • Deliver a consistent customer-caller experience that is branded and memorable.