Biographical Information
Nancy Jamison is a principal analyst for contact centers at Frost & Sullivan. She can be reached at, or follow her on Twitter @NancyJami.
Articles by Nancy Jamison
Customer Experience AI: Will Perception Drive or Deter Adoption?
05 Feb 2025
We've not yet seen the tipping point for customers when it comes to AI in the contact center.
From Agent Assist to Employee Assist
22 Feb 2024
Copilot apps are proliferating, and they mean business.
The Contact Center Supervisor Workspace Gets a Makeover
14 Jul 2023
From analytics to Copilot, this desktop is supercharged.
AI Is Making UCC and the Contact Center into an Increasingly Powerful Combo
19 May 2023
Teaming up these AI-fueled solutions yields a variety of shared capabilities and benefits.
Agent Hiring in the Age of AI
22 Feb 2023
Artificial intelligence can help address agent churn before it happens.
The AI Contact Center Is Finally Here
28 Sep 2022
Natively integrated capabilities abound in core contact center functions.
Conversational AI Is Becoming More Practical
28 Jun 2022
As a spring conference displayed, the technology is improving and the use cases growing.
Enduring AI-Powered Retail Trends for 2022
29 Mar 2022
Digital engagement will continue to enhance retail, both in the store and online.
Speech and AI: From Tipping Point to Table Stakes
24 Sep 2021
Gone are the days when adding virtual assistants was enough.
Automated Solutions Have Become Work-from-Home Agents, Too
01 Aug 2020
Adoption and interest in AI-infused capabilities got better because things got worse
Infusing AI and Speech into the Mobile Retail Customer Experience
07 Feb 2020
AI-powered apps are employing speech as part of an all-important omnichannel approach
Augment or Automate? With AI, There’s a Place for Both
30 Sep 2019
Augmented intelligence is the AI path for improving, not replacing, the human workforce
Amid the AI Fervor, a Case for Automating with a Human Touch
15 Apr 2019
When bots and live agents tackle customer service together, CX and the bottom line benefit
Healthcare CX Is Increasingly Fraught, but Speech Tech Provides an Answer
14 Jan 2019
AI-powered bots, armed with natural language understanding, are giving vital help to users navigating healthcare
Voice Tools Could Help Brick-and-Mortar Retail Remain Relevant
25 Jun 2018
Stores need to embrace technology to help the customer experience and bring back shoppers
Robotic Process Automation Reduces Human Grunt Work
10 Nov 2017
Chatbots and IVAs get all the ink, but RPA applications are vital to a smooth contact center operation
Virtual Assistants Make Speech Technology Relevant Worldwide
24 Apr 2017
Customers everywhere are growing increasingly comfortable talking to IVAs
Thanks, Siri! Speech Technology Is Remaking Customer Interactions
14 Jun 2016
The digital transformation of customer care is coming, and speech technology will be at the forefront
Speech Technology in the IoT Era
09 Nov 2015
As companies strive to build a connected world, obstacles persist—and so do opportunities
Technical Support, Speech Technologies, and the Internet of Things
08 May 2015
The emerging SIO category offers a balance of assistance for agents and users
Big Data in the Contact Center
30 Apr 2014
Speech analytics is just the beginning.
Omnichannel Contact Centers Embrace Speech
15 Nov 2013
Suddenly, the technology is everywhere.
Enter Cross-Channel Proactive Customer Engagement
10 Nov 2012
Being proactive is one thing. Getting it right is another.
Mobile Customer Care Just Got Stickier
10 Jul 2012
Siri's got company, and there's more coming.
IVR Relinquishes the Gatekeeper Role
01 Nov 2011
One company blends human interaction with speech self-service.
Speech-Enhanced Customer Service Gets a New Look
01 Jul 2011
Multichannel solutions meld proactive outbound alerts and notifications with inbound capabilities
Year of Speech Coming? It’s Already Here
01 Mar 2011
Technical hurdles remain, but the technology has become ubiquitous
A Matter of Time
01 Nov 2010
Has two years improved voice verification growth?
Speech, Not Silence, Is Golden
01 Jul 2010
Personal eyewear is a product destined to move fast.
Mobility Ubiquity
08 Mar 2010
Can speech make it on mobile devices?
The Tipping Point of Speech Proliferation, Part II
01 Nov 2009
Speech gains in UC and mobile applications.
The Tipping Point of Speech Proliferation
27 Aug 2009
A rudimentary history traces speech since the 1990s
Speech Shows Its Worth in a Down Economy
01 Jun 2009
Spending is sometimes needed to save money or generate revenue.
Nuance Roars into New Markets
02 Apr 2009
New Dragon release puts dictation into the mobile workforce.
Does Anyone Care About Voice Verification
01 Oct 2008
The industry is at a tipping point of a broader deployment
The Case for Easy Speech: Metaphor Solutions and Planet Payment
15 Jul 2008
Quick, simple, and secure is the winning formula for retail IVRs.
Inside SRI's STAR Labs
01 May 2008
Developing great technologies for public and private use
Innovations: Apple's New TTS
01 Mar 2008
Synthesized speech might seem like a misnomer
Datria Fast Forwards Warehouse Speech Opportunities
01 Nov 2007
Solution is the first to use IP phones rather than wearable computers.
Speech Technology with Impact
05 Sep 2007
With CallWave, I can see what you're saying.
Interactive Digital: The Effective Use of Adaptation in VUI Design
01 Jun 2007
Adjust audio responses based on caller preferences and more.
Innovative Research in the Labs, Part VII: SpeechCycle
01 Apr 2007
SpeechCycle is young, but it still brings together innovative research and experienced speech scientists to deliver valuable products
Innovative Research in the Labs, Part VI: AT&T
30 Jan 2007
Research labs are available on every vendors' site, but AT&T stands out as a research lab in and for itself
Innovative Research in the Labs Part V: Intervoice Center for Conversational Technology at the University of Texas at Dallas
09 Nov 2006
This month we look at a marriage of private industry and education. Within the Human Language Technology Research Institute (HLTRI) at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) are eight centers of specialized, cross-disciplinary research on human language technology, one of which is the Intervoice Center for Conversational Technologies (ICCT). UTD, one of the fastest growing universities in the country, focuses primarily on science, engineering and business. A core research area, HLTRI, has some of the world's top researchers in computational linguistics, with award-winning experts in various aspects of text processingspecifically question and answer systems.
Innovative Research in the Labs Part IV - Carnegie Mellon University
12 Sep 2006
Taking a more academically-oriented approach to research, this month I reviewed the speech groups at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), in Pittsburgh, Pa. Centered in the Language Technologies Institute (LTI) in the School of Computer Science are two large research groups, the Speech Group and the international center for Advanced Communications Technologies (interACT). LTI conducts research and provides graduate education for all aspects of language technology and information management.
Innovations - Speech Technology With Impact
03 Jul 2006
Innovations - Speech Technology with Impact: Innovative Research in the Labs Part II - IBM Research
08 May 2006
IBM is certainly at the forefront of what this column is about - innovation. Whether research results are near term or in development for decades, they innovate in new areas and push the envelope in existing ones.
Innovations: Speech Technology with Impact - What Is Going on in the Labs?
01 Mar 2006
What Is Going on in the Labs? The focus of the next few issues of this column will be less on innovative new products, but rather what is going on behind closed (or open) doors in research and development (R&D) in the labs. Speech technologies in particular have had a long academic research history, highlighted by the exceedingly long time it took for initial research - perhaps 30-40 years prior - to bear fruit as viable
Innovations: Speech Technology with Impact - New Company, New Breakthrough
01 Jan 2006
At the Consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas this week, Sensory, Inc., ( /) debuted their new subsidiary, 3Dmsg, which is developing technology and applications for the cell phone and wireless handset markets. Ho hum, you say, but it's not so. 3Dmsg - yes - that is 3D messaging - is about to do for the improvement of personalization and avatars, what advances in intonation, accents, and accuracy did for text-to-speech.
Innovations: Speech Technology with Impact - Double Feature
07 Nov 2005
We have a double feature this month. First up is an upgrade to stealthy, but steadfast Empirix, with a new release of their Hammer CallMasterTM testing tools, now tuned to testing speech applications. Second is the application of these tools in action at bridgeSpeak, a company that provides IVR voice self-service solutions to auto dealerships.
Speech Technology with Impact - Avaya Voice Portal 3.0 and Dialog Designer 3.0
30 Aug 2005
For 20 some odd years now telecom industry personnel have talked about the hopeful convergence of telecom and IT, and the emergence of blended manager roles. They have talked and talked and talked. For most of that time it didn't happen, or at least not quickly.
Speech Technology with Impact - Speech Analytics Evolves a Step Further
20 Jun 2005
Speech analytics (SA) is the application of speech technologies to the analysis of discourse, whether the speech consists of recorded calls from a contact center, wiretap, or some other form of media. A dozen or more vendors are now marketing such analytics, solo or in conjunction with complimentary products, primarily to companies for use in contact centers.
Innovations: Speech Technology with Impact
26 Apr 2005
From the editor: Welcome to Innovations - Speech Technology with Impact. Normally in each issue we have a section for notable press releases, but over time this has grown redundant with our Speech Technology Magazine NewsBlasts. So starting this month we are replacing press releases with a new column on innovations or speech technology with impact.
Speech in the Travel Industry
24 May 2004
Vertical market applications are a subject dear to the hearts of marketers in the contact center and speech technology field. Finance, healthcare and education are typical of the "low hanging fruit" vendors have long focused on, with others, such as government, getting attention as the next potential for the big sales kill. Although there are some surprisingly interesting applications associated with these verticals, as a whole they aren't the most exciting customer-facing applications out there.
Security versus Privacy
25 Nov 2003
Nancy Jamison reports on a survey completed earlier this year by Jamison Consulting and BrandMarketing Services Ltd. studying the publics awareness and acceptance of biometrics. While security is a big issue, privacy is a concern.
Speech in the Warehouse
25 Aug 2003
Speech applications in warehousing and merchandise distribution have not received a great deal of attention. That doesn't mean there aren't some significant developments going on in the industry as Nancy Jamison points out in this article about how speech can help optimize workforce productivity at the point of picking and packing.
Listen Up! Big Brother is Talking to You
01 Jun 2003
Listen up! The government is talking to you and being helpful in the process. This might sound strange to anyone who has sat on hold waiting for a government agency representative.
Listen Up! Big Brother is Talking to You
05 May 2003
Listen up! The government is talking to you and being helpful in the process. This might sound strange to anyone who has sat on hold waiting for a government agency representative. Ever called the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) or Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)? You know what I mean.
Beyond Recognition, to Understanding
31 Oct 1998
You could make a pretty good case that the birthplace of the speech recognition industry is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Laboratory for Computer Science. Several leading speech recognition companies owe their core technology to developments at MIT, and it remains an idea factory for the speech recognition industry.