Biographical Information

John Kelly

Articles by John Kelly

Why Make It So Hard?

In a hilarious Seinfeld episode, George asks for movie information and Kramer pretends to be an automated response system. George ultimately ends up frustrated even as "the system" finally gets to where "the customer" wanted to be in the first place. When Kramer says, "Why don't you just tell me the movie you selected?" we laugh because one, it is just funny and two, because we've all been George.

CRM Meets Speech Technology

Why the Funny Packaging?

Welcome to the EAB

What Does It Mean?

What impact will the recent acquisition moves of SBC and Verizon have on the mainstreaming of speech? Dan Miller of OPUS Research suggested we watch what happens to the SBC Call Center Solutions Group in competition with Verizon's Enterprise Systems Group.

Speech in 2005

Welcome to the largest edition of STM we have ever produced! As speech continues its expansion as a strategic technology offering by more and more companies, STM compliments that growth by providing content dedicated to improving speech.

Thanks for a Good Year

Thanks to you, 2004 has been a good year for speech. Certainly more growth within this space is welcomed, but overall it has been a productive year for speech and that is reflected in the growth of SpeechTEK and Speech Technology Magazine.

Before There Is a Future, There Is a Vision

There was a time when an "industry vision" in speech technology might simply have been "making it through next year." A whole lot has changed and there are a whole lot more questions being asked today.

Analyzing the Verticals

A Lot is Happening

Since we last visited, Bill Gates keynoted AVIOS/SpeechTEK Spring; Xerox sold its ScanSoft stake for $80 million; Fluency, Voxify and Cepstral received additional equity investments; Wizzard completed its acquisition of MedivoxRx; Babel and Elan announced the name of their new company—Acapela; and more than 60 new product and partnership announcements have been made.

Why Speech Now?

Speech technology has seen its fair share of fits and starts over the last few decades. Skeptics are still asking, "If speech works and is a mainstream technology, why is speech deployed today in less than 10 percent of call centers in North America?"
