
Speech Processing Solutions Updates Philips SpeechExec Pro Software

Speech Processing Solutions has launched the latest edition of its dictation work flow management software, Philips SpeechExec Pro 7.5, which supports an intuitive professional dictation and transcription process, integrating speech recognition and all Philips recording devices.

SpeechExec Pro 7.5 is highly customizable and allows users to predefine on their Philips handheld recorder where the recording should be sent after download. This option enhances work flow by automatically routing dictations to assistants, sending recordings via email, or adding the recording to the speech recognition queue. In addition, the new software platform integrates with Nuance's Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 and higher and supports Windows 8.

The new version of the software integrates with all Philips dictation devices, including the newest Philips Pocket Memo 8000 series and the leading PC dictation microphone, the SpeechMike. When the solution is used in conjunction with the Pocket Memo, users get support from the new set-up wizard. This service provides animations and guides users through preferred settings, such as display mode and specific delivery methods after download or a default recording situation. Additional customizable settings for the Pocket Memo with SpeechExec include barcode scanning, button configurations, and password and security management.

"SpeechExec Pro 7.5 has been designed...so that users can easily update their current systems and integrate it into their daily work flow without losing any time for productivity," said Thomas Brauncer, CEO, in a statement.

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