KnowledgeShift Launches Speech-to-Text Conversation Manager
KnowledgeShift, an employee training firm, has released a new speech-to-text application that is an add-on feature to the company's Mobi-RolePlay conversation simulator.
"Our larger enterprise clients wanted an easier way to measure how well employees performed in the role-play simulator," said Nancy Munro, KnowledgeShift's CEO, in a statement. "The speech-to-text portal allows us to build keyword search dictionaries to each role-play that will calculate a score for each simulation based upon keywords used in the simulator. The portal will allow managers to easily filter simulation results to drill down to the simulation results with the lower scores to manage feedback properly."
Mobi-RolePlay has been used by organizations for sales training, interviewing skills, screening job candidates, negotiations, call centers, and replacement for mystery shoppers.
"With the new keyword and speech translation capabilities, we are seeing how this application can be used as a way for companies to gather analytics around what we call verbal transactions, and measure how effectively they are reinforcing the brand and leveraging communications for long-term growth," Munro said.