
Aptuit Introduces Aptuit IVRS powered by Clarix

Aptuit yesterday introduced Aptuit IVRS powered by Clarix, a fully Web-integrated interactive voice response (IVR) system for companies performing drug trials.

In conjunction with the introduction of Aptuit IVRS, Aptuit will make a minority investment in Clarix and name one member to the Clarix board of directors.

Aptuit IVRS uses the latest release of Clarix's fully Web-integrated IVR solution for randomization and clinical supply management, providing clients with a centralized control center for managing an entire clinical study (or multiple studies) in real-time via the phone or Web.

The Aptuit IVRS powered by Clarix complements and integrates with Aptuit's Clinicopia platform. It has advanced reporting functionality, including the ability for users to build real-time reports and can support a variety of study designs, including those with adaptive randomization schemes, adaptive trial designs, and complex dosing algorithms.

Aptuit's investment in Clarix, and the launch of Aptuit IVRS powered by Clarix, closely follows the deployment of Clinicopia 4.1 inventory management system. Aptuit Clinical Packaging and Logistics has also begun the implementation of this latest release to support internal operations. Aptuit will launch Clinicopia 4.2 in the spring of 2008.

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