
Judy Davis, Director of Product & Industry Marketing, Convergys

Does this system utilize the existing content that is on the USAJOBS Web site, converting the online text to speech? If so, describe that process.

Judy Davis Yes, USAJOBS Web content is utilized. The solution Convergys developed provides telephone access to federal job postings, which are listed on the Web site. The USAJOBS site averages 17,000 federal vacancy announcements. Convergys hosts automated access and query capabilities using "text-to-speech" technology to enable users to obtain job posting information over the telephone, or to have documents associated with the job postings automatically faxed to them.

Is it be possible for a caller to talk to a live agent?

JD Callers with rotary phones may route to a live agent.

Did Convergys partner with anyone on this solution? How important is it to develop partnerships within the industry?

JD No, we did not partner with anyone, although we were selected as a subcontractor by Monster for this work. It is important to develop partnerships as they definitely offer capabilities such as applications and access that expand our footprint in the market.

How does this project compare with other deployments completed by Convergys. Is there anything unique about it?

JD This project is typical of dynamic data base integration that is routinely part of speech enabling enterprise content. It also follows the Web services model that is increasingly the standard interface. Convergys had provided similar hosted job application services for 4 years to another client.

How does Convergys assist the government to provide efficient and user-riendly means by which to access its services?

JD This project is particularly important to the government, because they are under an Executive Order to make job opportunities available to job seekers who lack Web access. They also want to offer this service at the lowest possible cost and with the best customer experience. The Convergys outsourced system will replace the existing in-house telephone access.

What additional deployments can we expect to see from Convergys?

JD No news for public domain at this time. Stay tuned however.

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