
Loquendo Presents Zosia, the New Female Polish Voice

- Loquendo unveiled Zosia, the new female Polish voice, heralding the launch of a brand new language for Loquendo TTS.

This new member of the Loquendo family brings the total number of languages in the Loquendo range to 18, and the total number of voices to 40. This is the first time Loquendo has developed a voice in a Slavonic language. The male Polish voice will follow soon.

Zosia is the latest Loquendo voice to be enriched with 'expressive cues,' by which many everyday phrases and exclamations can be said in a more lively and expressive way by inserting the appropriate punctuation. Zosia can be made to laugh, sigh, hiccup and cry, to name just a few examples, by the insertion of the relevant tag.


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