
Nexidia Releases Latest Version of Nexidia Enterprise Speech Intelligence

ATLANTA - Nexidia released Nexidia Enterprise Speech Intelligence (ESI) 6.0.  

Nexidia ESI 6.0 premieres Forensic Search, a feature that allows both power users and casual users to search large sets of audio.  Forensic Search enables the system to 'learn' search patterns within the organization and tune and adapt the application.

Nexidia ESI utilizes the company's patent-pending Phonetic Search Engine (PSE) technology, which enables audio search by using phonemes - the smallest unit of human speech.  The Nexidia technology supports all audio qualities and audio variances such as a speaker's age, gender, accent, language and dialect.  Searches using phoneme pattern matching are executed on all words and phrases including blended words, proper names, slang, code words, nonstandard grammar patterns and ad-hoc use of different languages.

Nexidia ESI offers reports such as dashboards, metric trends, metric correlations, average call handle times, agent call handle times, media replays and ad hoc searches.

Nexidia ESI 6.0 supports 19 languages.

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