
Serotek Signs New Dealer

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. - Serotek Corporation executed a dealer agreement with Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc. (TVI), a provider of assistive and adaptive technology products for the visually impaired headquartered in New York.

As a dealer, TVI will offer Serotek products in addition to its existing product lines. It will also provide users with demonstrations and training on how to best use Serotek's FreedomBox and System Access technologies.

 "Being blind, I have had the opportunity to use a wide range of adaptive technologies," said John Panarese, managing director and founder of TVI, "No other technology provides Serotek's combination of functionality and mobility."

Serotek's FreedomBox and System Access provide mobile access to Windows and the Internet for visually impaired or physically disabled users. The FreedomBox Internet application suite integrates Web browsing, email, streaming media, instant messaging, and more in an accessible user interface. Users may customize FreedomBox and have personalized Internet access anywhere. System Access provides access to the Windows operating system and other applications, including Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, Adobe Reader, Skype, Winamp, and many other popular titles. System Access also makes the U3 Launchpad accessible so users can manage their U3 smart drives. Because FreedomBox and System Access are U3 smart, users can run them from their U3 smart drives on any U3-capable computer, including computers in public places.

The FreedomBox Network delivers e-mail, search, Web management, and remote computing tools. 

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