
Atos Origin Partners with Loquendo on New Interactive Virtual Assistant Solution

Atos Origin, jointly with Loquendo, released its new Web-based self-service and multi-channel applications in new conversational interfaces and interactive virtual assistants at the Loquendo stand at Voice World Europe 2005.

Atos Origin's new Virtual Assistants introduce the concept of emotional and social intelligence to virtual channels. The applications illustrate the avatars' capacity for differentiated degrees of emotional behavior, body-language and spoken expression.

Atos Origin's new Virtual Assistants and conversational interfaces are the result of a combination of innovative technologies, which include Loquendo TTS synthetic speech engine, Loquendo ASR automatic speech recognition, complex Web programming, virtual reality design, 3D graphic design and display, to name but a few.

The avatar's body language, expression and lip movements are synchronised following the pronunciation of each phoneme, thanks to the complete set of functionalities provided by Loquendo's high-quality multilingual TTS engine.

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