Real-Time Monitoring of Election Day Activities Nationwide
Convergys , the provider of integrated billing, employee care, and customer care services, announced a contract with VoterLink Data Systems. The company is using Convergys' advanced speech recognition (ASR) solution as part of VoterLink's, a speech-enabled Web site designed to help the Democratic National Committee (DNC) capture and monitor information about Election Day voter turnout and possible voting irregularities nationwide. goes live on Election Day for 20 hours, operating from 7 a.m. November 5 through 3 a.m. November 6. Voice information about election-related issues or problems nationwide is recorded via a toll-free number and automatically posted to the Web site, allowing the DNC real-time access to the data from any location. "Several high-profile incidents in recent national and local elections demonstrate the need to identify election problems while they're occurring and respond to them before the polls close," said Ken Smuckler, President of VoterLink Data Systems. "For us, Convergys was the best choice to help deploy a dependable, interactive solution with the advanced features and reliability the DNC needed to support its poll monitoring activities nationwide. Convergys brings its expertise in developing innovative, sophisticated, and highly scalable automated applications to this project." "We believe this automated campaign capability is the first of its kind in U.S. election history, and it represents the scale, complexity, and innovation behind the work we do for our clients every day," said Randy Mysliviec, Convergys Senior Vice President of Marketing. "We've designed our network to speech-enable consumer interactions and ensure it delivers the reliability and capacity our clients need to manage their automated initiatives, whether for a single large event or on an on-going basis."