
Pronexus VBVoice 5.0 Integrates Support for Aculab's Prosody and IP Telephony Cards

NEW YORK & OTTAWA, CANADA - Pronexus Inc., a provider of computer telephony software solutions, announced the integrated support for Aculab Prosody and Aculab IP telephony PCI cards in the latest release of VBVoice 5.0. This expands the coverage of VBVoice 5.0, the telephony development environment to leverage the power of Microsoft Visual Studio.Net. "We believe the widening acceptance of VoIP and .NET in applications such as remote call centers makes this announcement for the development of business critical computer telephony environments significant," said Gary T. Hannah, President and CEO of Pronexus. "The integrated support for the Aculab product line provides developers with increased flexibility and functionality at a price point that makes it very compelling." Chris Gravett, sales and marketing director at Aculab said, "We are really excited about the opportunities this offering brings to our existing and prospective customers. It enables developers to take advantage of the reliability and flexibility of Aculab's product portfolio along with a proven application generator to create a wide range of scalable and cost effective telephony and speech solutions."
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