
Voice Architects Joins the Microsoft Speech Partner Program

PORTLAND, OR - Voice Architects announced a strategic relationship with Microsoft Corp. to deliver voice user interface(VUI) design and optimization services to Microsoft Speech Server customers, partners, and resellers. Voice Architects was selected by Microsoft to co-author the Microsoft Speech Training Course: Planning, VUI Design and Maintenance. The course will provide Microsoft developers with speech interface design and training as they begin developing their first speech projects. "Voice Architects shares our vision for making speech a mainstream and pervasive technology, and we are very proud to welcome it into the Microsoft Speech Partner Program," said James Mastan, director of marketing for the Speech Technologies team at Microsoft. "Voice Architects' focus on delivering significant business value through effective speech interfaces helps Microsoft extend the Microsoft Speech Server solution across a wider range of markets and application types." Voice Architects' LogSense analytics tool helps clients evaluate and benchmark interface performance, and monitor service levels throughout the entire application life cycle. Voice Architects' services will help Microsoft developers deploy better speech interfaces, faster and more cost effectively. "With backgrounds in linguistics, software development, and computer usability Voice Architects was founded to help businesses address the thorny problem of deploying speech interfaces that really work", said Keith Rolle, managing director of Voice Architects. "We are proud to be recognized by Microsoft both as contributing author of the Microsoft Speech: Planning, VUI Design and Maintenance course and also as a launch member of the Microsoft Speech Partner Program."
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