
Specialpedagogiska Institute Introduces Tord, the Voice Enabled Word Processor for Pupils and Children.

STOCKHOLM , Sweden - Developed in the frame of its mission to design and produce special needs education material, primarily for pupils with functional disabilities who require pedagogical material based upon the pupil's capabilities and needs, Tord provides real time speech for children. Acapela TTS is used as a stimulator in the learning process, reading out loud any text and allowing unique and encouraging interactivity.


Tord is a word processor with a built-in Acapela speech synthesizer that makes it easier for pupils to read and write text. In the software the pupil can have all texts read, both when he/she writes and when reading a pre-written text. Tord includes the most common functions in a word processor and can be used totally from the keyboard or with the mouse. All buttons and menus are distinctly shaped and the speech synthesizer can read their functions.


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