
Newfound Communications Releases the Newfound Outbound Call Queue Engine 1.0

NEW YORK - Newfound Communications released the Newfound Outbound Call Queue Engine 1.0 (OCQE). OCQE is a new software solution for speech or touchtone outbound call campaigns that enables control, automation and reporting.

The Newfound OCQE initiates outbound call campaigns in conjunction with a VoiceXML platform such as Nuance Voice Platform T 3.0. OCQE works in concert with a VoiceXML platform to report call results such as answering machine detection, live answer, busy signals, no answer and telephony network errors.  OCQE customers deliver call campaign to the system through Web services, database connection or call records files.

Based on time of day, call priority, required call completion time and previous results, calls are re-prioritized and then issued to the outbound VoiceXML platform for dialing. OCQE can filter redundant records and bad phone numbers. In addition, OCQE can be integrated with any Do Not Call List provider.  OCQE will retry calls for specific result codes (busy, no answer, line error, etc.). In addition, the number of retries for any call result is configurable as well as the time between each retry.

Campaigns are monitored and administered from a Web-based dashboard. Administrators may pause the system or campaign, recover lost calls, as well as monitor call completion rates and system errors. Call reports can be customized per call, hour, day, campaign and time zone.

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