Loquendo's VoxNauta Platform Powers InternetQ's New Dating Service
TORINO, ITALY - InternetQ - the Greek ISP - has adopted Loquendo's voice platform VoxNauta to power the new version of its popular matchmaking service. Users in Greece will soon be able to benefit from a completely new, speech-enabled version of the service, which is currently SMS-based. Users will be able to talk their way to finding that special person, by using their voice and any phone, in Greek and in English. InternetQ has asserted its presence not only in Greece but also in Yugoslavia, Russia, Cyprus, Rumania and Bulgaria. By powering the Dating application, which InternetQ is selling to the major telcos, Loquendo is consolidating its presence in the region. VoxNauta is an open multilingual platform with all the necessary speech components (Loquendo TTS, Loquendo ASR and VoiceXML SCE) for creating highly reliable interactive voice applications and services. The platform is devised for the carrier and enterprise markets and streamlines the implementation of voice services.