
Voxeo Introduces Industry's 100 Percent IVR Hosting Uptime Guarantee

ORLANDO, Fla. - Voxeo Corporation announced a new IVR hosting service level agreement. The new SLA offers a 100 percent uptime guarantee and refunds customers one percent of their monthly recurring fee per minute of downtime.

In addition to its SLA and refund policy, Voxeo ensures its customers avoid any IVR downtime through the use of a comprehensive, redundant, multi-tiered IVR service architecture. At each Voxeo VoiceCenter hosting facility, redundant power and HVAC systems provide core utilities. Multiple connections to three different long-distance and Internet providers are terminated by dozens of Cisco carrier-class routers and voice gateways. From there, IVR applications run on more than 100 redundant VoiceXML and CCXML IVR servers.

Finally, to meet 100 percent uptime requirements, all IVR calls are load balanced and can seamlessly fail-over between two completely replicated Voxeo VoiceCenter IVR hosting facilities in Atlanta, Ga. and Orlando, Fla.

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