
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Selects Voice Partners to Design New Customer Experience

PALO ALTO, Calif. - When Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) decided to implement speech technology, Voice Partners was asked to assist in defining and designing a voice-enabled, over-the-phone service.  BCBSNC wanted to create a system that would increase automation rates by ensuring that callers - including both members and medical providers - find the phone service productive and easy to use. 

"It was important for us to add a dimension to the brand that reflects the personal impact that Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina has on its individual members," stated Fred Goldwater, senior vice president, Strategic Development and Operations. "The persona created by Voice Partners therefore reflects a caring, helpful BCBSNC team member who is a local North Carolinian.  We believe this improves customer service as well as our branding."

Voice Partners will be working alongside a team at BCBSNC to implement the service.  The redesigned speech technology will serve both customers and providers and will be rolled out in the second quarter of 2006.

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