
Voicebrain Brings AI to the Aviation Industry and DHS

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Voicebrain, a voice analytics provider, has brought its patented platform to the aviation industry and secured a cooperative research and development agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to integrate its advanced voice AI technology into the Oakland Transportation Security Administration (TSA) radio operations.

VoiceBrain's software captures millions of daily voice communications and converts them into actionable data in real time. It integrates with two-way radios, analyzes transmissions, extracts key content, and delivers alerts and notifications about critical situations as they arise

"This technology is not just an upgrade; it has the potential to greatly enhance TSA's ability to make real-time risk assessments that decrease response time and improve incident management, allowing quicker returns to normal checkpoint operations," said Federal Security Director James Adams in a statement. "Since its implementation, we've been able to capture and analyze voice data in real time, enabling us to respond to incidents significantly faster and with greater insight. It's very clear that the VoiceBrain platform can help us capture and assess operational events in real time, ultimately reducing costs for airlines, airports, and stakeholders, all while increasing TSA's security posture."

"VoiceBrain's team is committed to revolutionizing aviation safety and efficiency," said Kinuko Masaki, CEO of VoiceBrain, in a statement. "We are excited to partner with DHS/TSA, airports, airlines, and other key stakeholders to build a cutting-edge communication ecosystem for the aviation industry. The unmatched insights provided by AI will make capturing radio data essential. Data is one of your most valuable assets; don't let another day pass without harnessing it."

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