
For The Record Expands FTR RealTime Speech-to-Text Platform for Courts

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For The Record, a court recording technology provider, has enhanced its instant speech-to-text platform, FTR RealTime, with speaker designation, retrieval of case information, and insights into trends and patterns.

The latest enhancements to FTR RealTime include the following:

  • FTR RealTime Annotations, which allows participants to mark the start and stop time of a proceeding, as well as add case references.
  • A new recording timeline that automatically highlights significant annotated events within a proceeding.
  • A new cases page that provides an index of all annotated cases within the court system and enables participants to navigate seamlessly between proceedings.
  • Advanced search functionality that allows participants to locate specific cases and hearings for historical context.

"FTR RealTime exponentially increases access to the court record and the intelligence contained therein. This AI-based platform is already revolutionizing court workflows, saving thousands of hours of administrative and court reporter time for mid-sized court systems. These new and impending features will accelerate judicial efficiency and streamline court operations in ways previously impossible," said For The Record CEO Tony Douglass in a statement.

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