
BRAVE Innovations Works on AI-powered Voice Screening Tool for COVID-19

BRAVE Innovations is working to increase the number of confidential voice samples recorded at COVIDvoice.net to launch a voice-based COVID-19 screening tool.

BRAVE Innovations strives to gather thousands more voiceprint samples to help refine their app that can immediately identify if a person is likely to have been infected with COVID-19. By listening for specific vocal changes, COVIDvoice will be able to detect if a voice donor has COVID-19.

"This is both a numbers game and a race against time to analyze thousands of voiceprints from people who have tested positive, negative or recovered from COVID-19," said BRAVE Innovations' CEO and chief research officer, Bruce Walker, in a statement. "To quickly move from our current prototype to a final COVID-19 screening tool, we need to galvanize thousands of citizens to donate voice samples."

When finalized, the BRAVE Innovations voice-based COVID screening tool will be available at no cost to schools, universities, daycare facilities, community organizations, amateur sports organizations, and houses of worship anywhere in the world.

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