
Red Box Launches Compliance Recording for Microsoft Teams

Red Box,a voice platforms provider, has released Compliance Recording for Microsoft Teams.

The solution, which is in the process of being certified as part of Microsoft’s new Compliance Recording ISV partner certification program, will provide capture, retrieval, archiving, and retention of Microsoft Teams communications.

Red Box will offer cloud and on-premises deployment options and free and open application programming interfaces.

Red Box is a Preferred Telephony Partner for conversation intelligence, part of Dynamics 365 Customer Service Insights and Sales Insights that enables organizations to leverage data captured and analyze calls at scale.

"With thousands of our customers operating in regulated industries, the Compliance Recording solution for Microsoft Teams is a key integration on our connectivity roadmap," said Pete Ellis, Red Box's chief product officer, in a statement. "Secure resilient capture of high-quality voice and metadata and our breadth of connectivity is also core to our integration with Dynamics 365 Customer Service Insights and Sales Insights and other AI and analytics partners, providing customers with access to a rich data set that can be turned into actionable insights."

"With the integration between Red Box, Teams, and Dynamics 365, organizations can benefit from resilient capture that addresses regulatory requirements, while also securing access to high-quality audio and metadata for AI and analytics purposes," said Jun Pak, product marketing manager for modern work teams and platform at Microsoft, in a statement.

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