
XMOS Launches xCore Array Microphones for Smart Homes

XMOS, a provider of voice and music connectivity, has launched the xCORE Array Microphone, a flexible microphone aggregation solution for voice user interfaces (VUI) in smart home applications.

Applications include smart TVs, soundbars, virtual digital assistants, and smart home automation. Based on the xCORE-200 device family, the solution is delivered as an evaluation board and supporting software libraries.

The XMOS solution can be deployed with up to 32 microphones, enabling higher signal-to-noise performance and enhanced control of both sensitivity and directivity.

"Our microphone aggregation solution delivers new levels of performance and flexibility to smart home devices requiring far-field voice capture and speech recognition. Our ability to interface directly with digital MEMS microphones, combined with the integration of control and DSP functions in a single device enables our customers to create highly differentiated products while reducing their total system bill of materials," Paul Neil, vice president of marketing at XMOS, said in a statement.

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