
Wizzard Creates Podcasting Distribution Network

PITTSBURGH — Wizzard Software signed the final merger agreement for the acquisition of podcasting company Webmayhem, dba Liberated Syndication. Liberated Syndication (Libsyn) currently delivers almost two million audio and video shows per day to consumers around the world. 

Liberated Syndication's customer base now consists of nearly 6,000 independent and commercial producers of radio and television style internet shows.  In the month of January, this podcasting network distributed an estimated 10 million hours of media programming and consistently one-third (33 percent) of the Top 25 podcasts across all categories in iTunes are Libsyn customers.  Libsyn supported the growth of podcasts such as Tiki Bar TV, Grammar Girl, IndieFeed, and Keith & the Girl.  Liberated Syndication is also the podcasting service of choice for other programs such as 2008 presidential candidate Senator John Edwards, and provides business podcasting services (LibsynPRO) to many companies including NPR.

Additionally, the company announced the launch of Wizzard Media (www.wizzard.tv), a division for its new media business. The new entity currently serves over 60 million downloads a month. 

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