
WellSpan Health Expands Nuance DAX Deployment

WellSpan Health has expanded its deployment of Nuance Communications' Dragon Ambient eXperience (DAX) ambient clinical intelligence (ACI) solution to its primary care, obstetrics/gynecology, podiatry, urology, urgent care, and cardiology practices following a pilot program in a family medicine practice that achieved strongly positive patient and physician acceptance.

Nuance DAX extends Nuance Dragon Medical to create a fully voice-enabled and ambient exam room environment. The system captures the complete patient story and automatically creates detailed clinical notes from multi-party conversations during on-site and virtual encounters.

"WellSpan has been a longtime leader in utilizing Nuance technology to improve patient care and clinician satisfaction, and with the expanded deployment of Nuance DAX, they are a forerunner in using ambient technology in a primary care setting notable for a highly diverse range of patients," said Diana Nole, executive vice president and general manager of healthcare at Nuance, in a statement. "WellSpan is another excellent example of the growing number of healthcare innovation leaders that are adopting Nuance ambient clinical intelligence technology as part of a comprehensive strategy to increase care quality and access, improve patient experience and physician satisfaction, and take major steps forward to alleviate physician burnout."

WellSpan was one of the first health systems to deploy Nuance DAX to primary care physicians. In a post-pilot survey, WellSpan found that 97 percent of patients agreed or strongly agreed that physicians using Nuance DAX were more focused, personable, and engaged during their visit compared to their previous visits where Nuance DAX was not used. Among physicians using Nuance DAX that were surveyed, 80 percent said they could use the time they previously needed to complete documentation and administrative tasks to see more patients. With the use of Nuance DAX, patient wait times for one physician decreased by a total of nine minutes.

"The patient's story is incredibly important context for the individual's medical history and ongoing treatment plan," said Dr. Mokarroma Sharmin, a family medicine physician at WellSpan, in a statement. "Nuance DAX helps me concentrate on my patient, knowing that all of the important information is being automatically captured."

"Nuance DAX reduces the time our physicians need to create high-quality clinical documentation, frees them to focus more exclusively on patient care, and creates opportunities for us to serve more patients within our communities," said Dr. Hal Baker, senior vice president and chief digital and information officer at WellSpan, in a statement..

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