
Voice Web Solutions Releases Grammar Studio 1.0

SEATTLE - Voice Web Solutions released Grammar Studio™ 1.0, a WYSIWYG grammar editor designed as a developer tool for visually creating and deploying speech grammar formats for VoiceXML telephony, multimodal SALT and X+V applications.

Grammar Studio has visual grammar creation tools, wizards, XML tree view and code editing. Its features provide grammar document creation, viewing, and modification. Grammar Studio can work with new or existing grammar files regardless of the underlying platform. In addition to SRGS support, Grammar Studio can import and export whole or partial grammars, including a built-in customizable language format converter.

Voice Web Solutions has set up a Voice Web Community at GrammarStudio.com, which developers can share grammars and communicate with over 1800 other voice Web enthusiast and speech companies from around the world.

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