
Vicorp Announces Launch of xMP Narrator Graphical Design Tool

NEW YORK - Vicorp announces xMP Narrator, a GUI-based design tool that enables Voice User Interface (VUI) Designers to create speech applications with speech interfaces that are modelled around 'natural conversations' between two people.

xMP Narrator models the interaction between the 'caller' and  the 'system' as a series of 'conversations' between two people - and then guides the VUI Designer through the process of creating a series of conversational alternatives.  Once captured, these conversational alternatives are generated into formal requirement documents, which in turn are used to specify services.  Text written for the system side of the conversations then forms the basis of transcripts for recordings or TTS renderings. 

'Recording transcripts' can be produced for these prompts, and media files automatically incorporated back into the system. These are then used to create a content archive that can be deployed and managed by third party tools, eliminating 'lock in' to any manufacturer or solution.

Alternatively, the Vicorp model can be used to automatically generate a call flow within xMP Director that represents the conversation and allows for captured content and meta-data to be provisioned for the service (including grammars, content, TTS and transcripts).

xMP Narrator integrates with other tools in the Vicorp xMP siute.

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