
Veteran Business Project Partners with Canary Speech

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Veteran Business Project, a nonprofit champion of veteran entrepreneurship, and Canary Speech, a voice biomarker health tech company that uses real-time vocal analysis to screen for mental health and neurological disorders, have partnered to equip veteran entrepreneurs with tools to manage their mental health, enhancing their business success and overall well-being.

Using Canary Speech's artificial intelligence technology through an app, a 40-second voice recording processes millions of data points in a person's speech and reports back results of their stress, mood, and energy levels immediately. This real-time assessment allows veterans to monitor their mental health effectively, understand potential mental health triggers, and receive personalized wellness recommendations.

"This partnership with Canary Speech aligns seamlessly with our mission of' Offering Hope, Saving Lives,'" said Lynn Lowder, CEO and founder of Veteran Business Project, in a statement. "By equipping our veterans with cutting-edge technology, we're not just enhancing their ability to succeed in business, we're ensuring they receive the support they need and deserve, fundamentally enriching their lives."

"We are immensely proud to support our veterans through this forward-thinking approach that integrates mental health best practices and AI," said Henry O'Connell, CEO and co-founder of Canary Speech, in a statement. "Our technology offers a unique way to monitor and manage health challenges that many entrepreneurs face. Working with VBP allows us to reach veterans who can truly benefit from our innovations in healthcare technology."

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