
Verint Takes a 360-Degree Approach to Workforce Management

Further updating and enhancing its current workforce optimization (WO) and quality management (QM) systems, Verint Systems today released its Impact 360 application.

The system is designed for businesses of all sizes and focuses on analytics as the backbone of improving company productivity. Impact 360 includes a suite of software designed to aid businesses with quality monitoring and call recording; speech and data analytics, workforce management, customer feedback, agent scorecards, eLearning, and performance management. Targeting both contact centers and back-end teams, Verint says the software is a step forward in filling a gap within the current WO and QM product sector.

"We took all the Verint and Witness technologies and smashed them together," says Erik Laurence, vice president of solutions marketing at Verint. "Everything is capped off by the analytics."

The move toward a more holistic WO and QM package follows Verint’s acquisition of contact center solutions provider Witness in February. Impact 360 also contains applications created with by other vendors, including eQuality, Mercom, Opus Solutions, AMAE, Exametrics, Demos, and Blue Pumpkin (all of which have been acquired by Verint over the past few years).

Verint executives stressed the importance of Impact 360’s emphasis on integrating back-office data into the overall WO and QM strategy. As both speech and data help a company extract information about callers, Verint says the job of contact centers now is to pass along that information to various departments (marketing, R&D, or IT), and let them understand troublesome spots within their division.

The company also noted the product’s ability to function with remote agents, an area where it also noticed industry growth and focus. For Verint’s current customers, each will receive Impact 360 in some form, depending on their current WO and QM Verint solution. The company also created  a new process and change management team to help customers not only make sense of analytics data, but to make suggestions as to how a company can take action to implement contact center back-end change.

"Analytics uncovers problems a company isn't necessarily looking for," Laurence states. "Business has gotten so complex, and speech analytics can be a tool to reconnect, so a company is in touch with what's important for customers."

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