
Vangard Voice Systems Introduces Mobile Voice Platform

Vangard Voice Systems is set to release its Mobile Voice Platform (MVP), a single, common development environment for adding voice capabilities to existing host, Web, or device-based mobile applications.

MVP voice-enabled applications empower mobile workers everywhere to quickly gather important business information and to turn tasks such as price checks, shelving, and inventory control, into voice commands.
Vangard CEO Bob Bova said the MVP can voice-enable any existing application anywhere. The Mobile Voice Platform works on device, Web or server resident applications already in the distribution center or warehouse. The MVP simply enhances software that is already in use.

Bova predicts more businesses and government agencies will turn to voice-activated technology to give them a competitive advantage.

With the Mobile Voice Platform, powered by Vangard’s new Rapid Development Environment, mobile applications can be voice-enabled in as little as a day. These include data collection and device and navigation controls for mobile field services, mobile field sales, inspections, task management, and mobile dispatch.

For IT management, MVP’s non-invasive approach enables organizations to optimize existing business operations and processes with complete client-side voice capabilities instead of changing or replacing them. RDE streamlines and accelerates the entire voice lifecycle management of mobile applications and also includes pre-development voice best practice planning, development, and post-deployment on-the-fly dynamic content management.

Making applications mobile will be the next frontier for voice developers, according to Bova. "Like the global adoption of RFID and barcode scanning technologies, voice-powered cross-enterprise mobile applications represent the next quantum leap for business and government operations," he says. "The availability of Vangard’s Mobile Voice Platform and its Rapid Development Environment will speed the adoption of hands-free, eyes-free voice capabilities, driving the next generation of tactical, operational, strategic advantage."

"The goal is to have [people write] zero code to get voice into their mobile apps," Bova explains.

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