
TuVox to Deliver Speech Solutions on Microsoft Speech Server Platform

LOS ALTOS, Calif. - TuVox announced that it will enhance the TuVox CVR system to run on the Microsoft Speech Server, which is based on the open industry standard Speech Application Language Tags. The combined capabilities of Microsoft and TuVox will pay off for companies by reducing the cost and complexity of implementing automated speech solutions. TuVox CVR consists of an application server suite, a tools suite, and pre-built speech application capabilities that reduce the effort to build, manage, test and tune speech applications. CVR provides new kinds of built-in functionality to create a compelling caller experience. The CVR approach has benefit for applications that have many dialogue variations, complex dialogue requirements, or applications that need to change frequently. CVR supports speech applications on both the VXML and SALT standard, allowing enterprise customers to choose a platform based on performance, cost and vendor preference.
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