
Toshiba Accentuates the Natural with New Text-to-Speech Solution

CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom - Toshiba Research Europe Limited has pioneered a new solution that will improve the quality and intelligibility of embedded TTS technology.


The Toshiba TTS system uses the company's patented training and pronunciation processes to select the best way of phrasing millions of words and sentences, and delivers more natural sounding speech as a result. As well as handling any written text, the Toshiba solution is able to articulate large amounts of information in a compact manner thanks to its advanced phonetic input functionality.


Officially launched in Q3 2004, the Toshiba TTS middleware currently covers United Kingdom and United States English, French and German with more languages set to follow. It provides both female and male voices for each language and is able to support more than one dialect at the same time - for example, enabling a piece of German text to be translated for an English audience.


Toshiba TTS is for in-car navigation, PDA, PC and games devices, and virtually any other system where manual voice recording is currently employed. It can be used for a range of applications - from reading out a driver's e-mails or navigation instructions to communicating reminders from your television or DVD.

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