
Telefonica Moviles Turns to UTOPY for Customer Intelligence

MADRID -- Telefónica Móviles España, a leading telecommunications provider in Europe, turned to UTOPY’s fully localized version of its SpeechMiner analytics solution to give it more intelligent insight into daily conversations with its customers.

Telefónica Móviles España is using the solution to analyze both inbound and outbound customer interactions, enabling it to create a holistic portrait of all customer relationships.

"We selected UTOPY after an exhaustive review of the solutions on the market," said Mario Soro, director of CRM technology at Telefónica Móviles España. "UTOPY offered the only speech analytics solution that would help us to truly improve enterprise performance. We will be able to exploit customer conversations as the missing data source to diagnose problems, develop strategies to combat challenges, and measure how well we are performing against our goals."

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