SpeechWorks and Intervoice Celebrate More Than 100 Jointly Deployed Speech Solutions
ORLANDO, FL - SpeechWorks (Nasdaq: SPWX), a developer of speech technologies and services, and Intervoice (Nasdaq: INTV), a developer of converged voice and data solutions, are celebrating more than 100 jointly deployed speech solutions at InterActions, Intervoice's annual education and industry forum held in Orlando, Florida. SpeechWorks and Intervoice have been strategic partners in the speech industry since 1996, and have deployed a number of speech systems, including United Airlines' flight information system, which alone has provided cost savings of $25 million since 1999, Neiman Marcus' customer service lines, State of Michigan's tax information line, Amtrak's train schedule system, and Fidelity's 401(k) information line. "Speech has provided us with a dramatic enhancement to the service we offer our customers, and our customers have voiced their overwhelming approval of the speech system," said Bob DuPont, staff vice president of reservations for Thrifty. "SpeechWorks and Intervoice worked with us to ensure that our system would deliver cost savings to our call center business while providing callers with an interactive dialogue that is efficient and easy to use. We applaud them for their longstanding partnership and commitment to customer success."