Speech Technology Center Releases Voice Robot for Doctor's Appointment Reminders
Speech Technology Center has created a voice recognition robot that can remind patients about upcoming medical appointments.
Additionally, as part of an appointment reminder call, the robot can advise patients for how to prepare for or reschedule their appointments. The voice robot employs proprietary natural language understanding technology for speech recognition and synthesis. Speech recognition technology helps the robot understand what the patient is saying.
Speech Technology Center's omnichannel platform allows users to create robots in Russian, English, and Spanish.
Speech Technology Center, part of the Sber ecosystem of companies, deployed a cloud platform in SberCloud for standard telephone robots. The portfolio of standard telephone robots also includes technology for the energy sector and government agencies.
Speech Technology Center is also running a pilot to introduce a voice robot that collects complaints about a person's well-being before seeing a therapist. During the appointment reminder call a day before the appointment, the voice assistant will offer the patient a survey on well-being. The firm Doctor Nearby helped develop the robot's AI-driven logic and scenarios. The robotic assistant is currently being tested in five of Moscow's medical and preventive institutions.