
Speech-Soft Obtains LumenVox Skills Certification

Speech-Soft Solutions has become a LumenVox Skills Certified Partner. LumenVox Partner Skills Certification demonstrates Speech-Soft's capability to deliver speech solutions based on the LumenVox speech automation suite.

Speech-Soft develops and supports speech-enabled applications on major interactive voice response and intelligent conversational systems. Speech-Soft uses the LumenVox Speech Recognizer (ASR) and Text-To-Speech Server (TTS) to provide a scalable, carrier-grade self-service environment within the contact center and specialized speech applications.

"Speech-Soft is known to offer its customers easier, faster, and better natural language, chatbot, and conversational application solutions in multichannel environments," said Ed Miller, LumenVox's CEO, in a statement. "That approach dovetails perfectly with our focus on innovation, added value, and customer satisfaction. We are excited that Speech-Soft can enhance its offerings as a LumenVox Skills Certified Partner."

Speech-Soft provides directed and natural-language speech and chatbot applications as well as support in the contact center and intelligent virtual assistant environments. Speech-Soft's services include voice user interface and application design, development, test, deploy, tune, reporting, support and ongoing managed services for speech and chatbot applications.

"This LumenVox partnership enables Speech-Soft to offer a unique bundling of products tailored to the needs of our customers," said J.P. Reddy, chief operations officer at Speech-Soft, in a statement. "With our top speech scientists and architects achieving LumenVox Skills certification, we can offer our customers ever more cost-effective and innovative solutions to their business problems."

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