
Speech Processing Solutions Integrates With iManage

Speech Processing Solutions, providers of dictation solutions sold under the Philips brand, is integrating with iManage's document and email management solution for legal professionals.

This enables iManage users to sync their audio files, transcriptions, and attachments directly from their Philips SpeechLive accounts into the document management system. The connection requires only a one-time activation by an administrator within both Philips SpeechLive and iManage. Once activated, an iManage button appears, enabling users to sync files from any dictation state, whether finished or in progress. Users can  select folders in iManage to ensure files are placed in the correct case folders and all relevant documents related to each client are easy to find in one centralized location.

"We are delighted to partner with iManage, as we share a common vision of boosting user efficiency, increasing profitability, and simplifying daily work routines. This partnership significantly reduces administrative tasks, empowering professionals to focus on core responsibilities like client service and billing," said Thomas Brauner, CEO of Speech Processing Solutions, in a statement.

"This integration empowers legal professionals to access, share, and utilize client documents and business assets more efficiently. Connecting our two solutions allows users to optimize the benefits of both platforms," said Dean Leung, executive vice president of digital enablement and communities at iManage, in a statement.

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