
SPIRIT Announces 10 kHz Wideband Speech Codec for Multimedia Applications

MOSCOW, RUSSIA - SPIRIT, an eXpressDSP-compliant software developer in Europe, has released a new ICELP 10kHz wideband speech codec for speech compression/decompression. SPIRIT's ICELP speech codec algorithm is functioning on 10 KHz bandwidth that exceeds standard specifications for wideband applications and provides top speech quality required in multimedia applications and speech storage devices. The multi-channel software codes speech signals and decodes 16-bit PCM bit stream at 20 KHz sampling rate, providing 32kbps compression rate. Speech encoding/decoding is performed independently on the frame-by-frame basis, with frame length 16 ms and algorithmic delay 20 ms. "Our new speech compression product is distinguished by high speech quality (more than MOS 4.3) as well as impressive compression rate" - says SPIRIT's CEO Andrew Sviridenko. "With strong attention to speech quality for both business and consumer telephony and striving for the best performance of our communication DSP software, SPIRIT keeps leading in DSP development/research and comes up with ideal solutions for multiple telecom applications." The algorithm could be used with two types of interfaces: proprietary and XDAIS compliant, each having certain advantages - the proprietary interface provides significant DSP resource economy whereas XDAIS interface simplifies integration, especially for big software projects. SPIRIT's ICELP 10kHz speech codec is available on TMS320C54xx platform.
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