
Pronexus Signs Agreement with CTI-PRO

OTTAWA, Canada - Pronexus Inc. has signed a distribution agreement with CTI-PRO, a distributor of hardware and software resources for IVR and telephony in Eastern Europe. According to the terms of the agreement, CTI-PRO will be distributing VBVoice, Pronexus' Rapid Application Development environment for creating IVRs, telephony and speech solutions.

CTI-PRO can now provide its customers with a development tool that leverages the Microsoft .NET platform and Visual Studio .NET for developer productivity.

Developers can use VBVoice to create applications such as speech-enabled IVRs, hardware-less VoIP solutions, emergency response systems, bill payment solutions, call center applications with screen pops and database connectivity, and voice portals.

This is one of several developments in Pronexus' continued international expansion plans. Other distributor relationships are actively being pursued in Western and Eastern Europe, as well as Asia.

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