
Phonetic Systems Solves Large-Scale Directory Searches

BEDFORD, MA - As competition for market share among telecom providers spirals, the battle for customers is driving demand for new revenue-generating subscriber services that offer convenience and convergence. In a new paper, Phonetic Systems details how providers can meet this demand. "Searching Large Directories by Voice" looks at the challenges in achieving large-scale directory searches entirely by voice and why traditional speech recognition technology has such difficulty solving the challenges. The paper discusses how Phonetic Systems' Voice Search Engine (VSE) serves as the technical foundation for a wide range of applications that could be any set of tasks that lend themselves to voice activation and search, such as directory assistance, IVR, voice messaging, auto attendant, information retrieval, password reset, speaker verification or other call center applications. VSE is an integrated system consisting of components for the voice search and retrieval process:
·Speech DB recognizes speech input and prepares directory data for speech access;
·Directory Search Manager carries out the search and retrieves the data; and,
·Dynamic Conversation Manager directs the user dialog.
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