
Panjaya.ai Unveils Pod Pro with Localization and Multilingual Sync

Panjaya.ai has released Pod Pro, an artificial intelligence-powered dubbing platform for podcasts using its BodyTalk technology to perfectly sync voice, lip movements, and body gestures.

The Pod Pro platform offers the following six key features:

  • Multi-speaker Support to discern which person is speaking with seamless lips, gestures, and body syncing.
  • AI-Driven Speech Modulation, which adjusts rhythm, tone, and pacing to align perfectly with the original performance.
  • Freedom from Occlusions, with the ability to handle object interference so there's no need to re-record due to poor object positioning.
  • Contextual Adaptation that captures the unique nuances of spoken language, from breaths and pauses to emphasis.
  • Scalable Localization that handles everything from single episodes to entire podcast libraries.
  • Human-in-the-Loop Tools, with precision editing options to refine translations and ensure content aligns with message, tone, and style.

"Pod Pro is the deep connective tool podcast publishers have been waiting for," said Guy Piekarz, CEO of Panjaya.ai, in a statement. "By delivering translations that feel natural and culturally authentic, creators can now connect with global audiences in a way that's never been possible before."

Available for free as a limited trial,Panjaya's Pod Pro is now accessible to everyone. Users can download up to three videos, select two languages per video, and translate up to 10 minutes of total runtime.

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