Novauris Announces the Extension of its Novel Recognition Technology
CHELTENHAM, ENGLAND and ORLANDO, FL - Speech recognition company Novauris announced that its speaker-independent data access system now handles speech from both fixed and mobile telephone lines. The company, which in March unveiled its novel technology for accessing data lists of up to hundreds of millions of items, has now extended its capabilities to accept telephone speech as well as direct microphone input while maintaining high accuracy and virtually instantaneous response. The telephony system is set up to handle multiple input lines per processor. This extension of Novauris' core offering results from the efforts of the company's UK R&D team, jointly led by John Bridle and Melvyn Hunt. "Our past experience with fixed-line and mobile telephony systems has enabled us to extend our technology to cover a range of channels," says Bridle. "Just as our extensive experience in developing in-car speech recognition enables us to handle a wide range of acoustic conditions". The Novauris technology enables rapid spoken access to extremely large amounts of data, including customer account details, internal directories, or even the address of every household and business in the country. It was first demonstrated in early April at the AVIOS/SpeechTek Spring show in San Jose and at Voice World Europe in London. At that time only a version designed for American English voices was available. "The remarkably high level of interest apparent in the UK following the London show has encouraged us to move to produce a version of the technology optimized for British voices," explains Dr Hunt, adding that other languages are now under active consideration.